Facts about cats: A guide to cat breeds.
Discover fresh cat foodCat Breeds
There are many domestic cat breeds found within the UK. Cats of all colours, temperaments and sizes. From long haired to hairless cats, find out all you need to know below with our handy cat breed guide.

Bengal Cats

Birman Cats

Cornish-Rex Cats

Devon-Rex Cats

Domestic Longhair Cats

Domestic Shorthair Cats

Egyptian Mau Cats

Havana Brown Cats

Korat Cats

LaPerm Cats

Maine Coon Cats

Norwegian Forest Cats

Ojos Azules Cats

Oriental Cats

Ragamuffin Cats

Ragdoll Cats

Russian Blue Cats

Savannah Cats

Serengeti Cats

Siamese Cats

Siberian Cats

Snowshoe Cats

Somali Cats

Sphynx Cats

Turkish Angora Cats