KatKin Glow Up - Weight Off Your Mind
Glow Up /ɡləʊ-ʌp/ A tail-shaking total transformation from house-cat to hero. Improves appearance, mood, and energy for all nine lives
Glow Up /ɡləʊ-ʌp/ A tail-shaking total transformation from house-cat to hero. Improves appearance, mood, and energy for all nine lives
Glow Up /ɡləʊ-ʌp/ A tail-shaking total transformation from house-cat to hero. Improves appearance, mood, and energy for all nine lives
Glow Up /ɡləʊ-ʌp/ A tail-shaking total transformation from house-cat to hero. Improves appearance, mood, and energy for all nine lives
Dental issues are pretty common in cats, leading to losing teeth and bad breath. Learn how to prevent cat teeth problems and keep their gums healthy with KatKin.
In our Is my cat healthy? series, we want to help you assess your cat's well-being from the comfort of your home. Today we look at a sneaky affliction that often goes unnoticed: arthritis
As a hardcore cat parent, you want to do everything you can to enrich your cat’s life. And particularly if you have no outdoor space of your own, harness training can really help your cat
Part 2: The Ingredients Is dry food really that bad for cats? And if my cat likes it, is a small amount of dry food a bad thing? Lots of cat parents are starting to question the dry cat food lurking in their cupboard – and KatKin is here to tell you why you should ditch the dry for good, and switch to our Fresh-cooked 100% premium meat cat food. In our last blog, we talked about why the manufacturing process should have you questioning that bag of kibble
Is dry cat food really bad for cats? And, if so many cats are eating it, surely it can’t be all that bad for them? Well, just like human habits, the fact that a lot of people are doing it doesn’t make it good. And the fact that your cat seems healthy right now doesn’t mean dry cat food is the best thing for them.
Getting a new cat is extremely exciting and it's really important that cats and children are introduced to one another nicely and slowly. Children can become very excited when they see a new animal, and this excitable behaviour can be overwhelming for your cat
In the UK, the cat population is growing. This is due more to an increase in the number of cats per household, than an increase in the number of cat-owning households(1)
Arguably, all cat owners have been there. First, wrestling with whether to let your cat outside, and once you've made the decision to allow them, how to go about it
Has your cat recently been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism? Or are you worried they might have developed it? We're here to help. In this article we'll explain what hyperthyroidism is, how your cat might get it, how it's diagnosed, and how you can help your cat manage their symptoms