This cat was such a legend his neighbours named a bridge after him

Read time: 2 min
Heading to Enfield anytime soon? Because you could well cross a footbridge named in honour of a local cat.
Barney spent much of life lying in the middle of a north London footbridge. And refusing to move. Even when dogs passed by. And some dog walkers even changed their routes to protect his peace.
Known locally as a ‘riverside icon’, Barney sadly died recently. And the local community has now named the footbridge in his honour.
Enfield Council said: “It is clear from the reaction to Barney’s death there is genuine enthusiasm from local residents to create a memorial for him.”
The online campaign to name the bridge after Barry was launched by Alan Boyle of the Gentleman’s Row, River View and Holly Walk Residents’ association. He says: “People would pat or stroke him as they were on their way to school or work or to catch a train. He was legendary.”
Even Barney’s cat parents didn’t realise how famous he had become. They received over 150 condolence messages on Facebook when he passed. And said, “We knew Barney was popular, but we didn’t realise just how well known he really was!”